Me Time: Because You Deserve It

age gracefully improve health Jul 25, 2024

We are natural caretakers, always looking out for everyone else. But, you can’t pour from an empty cup. That’s why you must, not should, but must set aside some 'me time' every week. Do something that makes you feel good—read a book, take a bubble bath, or binge-watch your favorite show. This is your time to recharge and reconnect with yourself. When was the last time you did it?

Remember, self-care isn't selfish; it’s necessary.

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is a personal journey. Everyone has their own definition, but it’s about determining what self-care means to you. It’s about taking 'me time' and focusing on activities that make you feel whole and rejuvenated.

Benefits of Self-Care

Taking 'me time' is essential for replenishing yourself. It will help you keep your youthful glow so you age gracefully. Here are some key benefits:

  • Replenish the Spirit: Nourish your soul by taking time for yourself.
  • Prevent Burnout: Regular self-care can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Helps Deal with Stress: Taking time to relax can significantly reduce your stress levels.
  • Relaxation: Self-care activities promote relaxation, helping you unwind.
  • Boosts Self-Esteem: When you respect yourself enough to care for yourself, you feel better about who you are.
  • Relieves Anxiety: Regular 'me time' can reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

Making Time for 'Me Time'

The length of time isn’t as important as the quality and consistency. Commit to at least one day a week. It doesn’t have to be all day—maybe a Sunday afternoon or a Tuesday morning or maybe for you it is 20-minutes a day. The key is to make it a regular part of your routine. The other key is to make it meaningful. Something that will really count.

Staying Connected

Self-care also means staying connected with others in ways that uplift and energize you. Here are some ideas:

  • Spend Time with Friends:
    • Go out for lunch, dinner, brunch, or maybe just a cup of tea.
    • Play a card game.
    • Join a book club.
    • Just touch base by phone, not text. And call someone that makes you feel good every time you talk to them.
    • Create a self-care Zoom group with friends. Make sure everyone brings their favorite beverage.

Indulge in a Hobby

Engaging in hobbies that really light you up can be a great way to de-stress and relax:

  • Work with Your Hands: Try knitting, painting, or crafting.
  • Gardening: Spend time nurturing plants.
  • Coloring: Adult coloring books can be very therapeutic.
  • Puzzles: Enjoy crossword puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, or Sudoku.
  • Sports: You can still find a physical activity that gets your body moving.

Luxurious Baths

Taking a bath can be more than just a way to get clean—it can be a luxurious escape, a mini-retreat that leaves you feeling pampered and rejuvenated. Here are some innovative ways to elevate your bath time:

  • Bath Bombs: Use bath bombs that contain hidden crystals or gemstones for an element of surprise.
  • Herbal Infusions: Create herbal bath sachets with dried flowers, herbs, and oats.
  • Color-Changing LED Lights: Install waterproof LED lights that change colors to match your mood.
  • Essential Oil Diffuser: Use an essential oil diffuser for aromatic steam.
  • Custom Playlists: Create playlists for different moods or listen to audiobooks and podcasts.
  • Silk Bath Pillows: Add a silk bath pillow for comfort and elegance.
  • Wine or Herbal Tea: Enjoy a glass of wine or a cup of herbal tea on a bathtub tray.
  • Guided Meditation: Remember this idea from last blog? Listen to a guided meditation or saying affirmation to yourself or out loud turn your bath into a deep soul search.

By incorporating these innovative ideas, you can transform a simple bath into a luxurious, spa-like experience that pampers your body and soul. Enjoy your time, and remember—you deserve every moment of it.

Set Goals and Priorities

You can journal and reflect during your ‘me time.’ :

  • See Your Future: Visualize and plan for your own success.
  • Fulfillment: Focus on your own goals, not just helping others reach theirs.

The Importance of Sleep

Good sleep is vital for overall health:

  • Prioritize Your Sleep: Better sleep improves mood, cognition, and overall well-being. Doing your SelfCare can help you sleep better. 

Practice Gratitude

  • Be Grateful: Regularly practice gratitude by taking account of what’s going well. Sure you’re having some challenges, but by focusing on what’s going well you strengthen your receiving muscle. Yes, being grateful actually helps you receive, rather than repel love, help, and the attention from those who truly care about you. Stop saying, “no I’m ok. I don’t need anything.” Trade that statement for this one. “Yes, please, thank you.”

Giving of Yourself

  • Give Freely: Offer your time and energy when you feel free, not obligated. It’s ok to say no sometimes. It’s also necessary. This will also help you feel grateful instead of resentful for your responsibilities.

Taking 'me time' is not just about relaxing; it’s about replenishing your mind, body, and spirit. You deserve to feel vibrant, loved, and appreciated—not just by others, but by yourself too. Start incorporating these self-care practices into your life and watch as you become the best version of yourself. Which by the way is the very best thing you can do for others is become the best version of yourself. 

So you see, even when you are being selfish, you’re still taking care of others. So start being more self-focused…start today.

Would you like help creating your SelfCare plan. Join our community! Get a 30-day free trial and a $100 off for being a Bronzecomm subscriber. Use coupon code: JULYBRONZE (offer expires July 31st) Click here to join now! You deserve this. 

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